Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a church?

The Vine & Table is an intentional Christian community, but not a church. Our hope is to provide companionship for the journey and discipleship opportunities, but we also hope that each house member will find spiritual nurture through a local church.

Is this co-ed housing?

Yes.  We hope to provide a fairly even split between men and women.  As much as possible, we will attempt to group the same gender in adjacent rooms.

What if I can’t cook?

That's just fine! There will be opportunities to learn skills as we work together.  This is part of living in community. You won’t be left on your own.  Cooking in community will not be as daunting as living and cooking on your own, but it will not be as easy as showing up at the cafeteria. As Coordinators, we are happy to work alongside you until you're feeling more comfortable in the kitchen.

Who purchases food and household supplies?

The meal planning and shopping lists will be built in consultation with the community. The Coordinators will purchase the groceries and household supplies in order to streamline the budget and record keeping.

What about my dietary restrictions?

The viability of living in community will have to be determined on a case-by-case basis.  We understand that there are a variety of dietary restrictions.  Ultimately, what the community is able to accommodate will be based on the configuration of dietary restrictions among the residents in the community.  For example, if the restrictions become too diverse, it may be too difficult to accommodate in community meal planning.

Can I invite meal guests or host overnight guests?

Your guests are welcome to use the guestroom overnight at no charge. Guests wishing to stay more than 3 nights must have the approval of the community. Remember that at all times community guidelines apply to our house guests.  Residents are responsible for room preparation and clean-up. We encourage a $5 contribution for a dinner guest and  $10/day for meals if a guest is joining us.

What about the specific list of "do's and don'ts" in living here?

What are "sacred needs" for the space you call home?  How do we show respect for each other, the environment we live in and the community around us?  In discussing these questions together, we hope the household can jointly find the balance that makes it a good experience for everyone.